Saturday, 3 May 2008

down my street today

My street 001

I had a really nice walk home from the restaurant where i met friends for lunch. It is so nice to a have a couple of extra days off and just pootle about doing not very much. i have already watched 4 DVDs, although that's hardly surprising as I was suffering from a huge hangover on Thursday.

anyhow, I just wanted to show you how my street looks, now that the weather has improved, and the trees are coming out in the French Concession area. It's beautiful. I'm now waiting for the much talked of mosquitoes and roaches to appear, but as of yet (touch wood) I have not suffered from either. I have had a few mysterious bites, and yesterday I found a funny worm/silverfish thing in the dust under the bed (that'll teach me to be such a lazy cleaner) It's a good job I'm not too squeemish. I do however have a strong memory of reaching blindly into my washbag in Madagascar last year, and having a huge cockroach run up my arm as I disturbed him in his little hidy place ( my wash bag! ) I don't fancy a repeat of that this summer.

I definitely need to get a cleaner. this place is so DUSTY. it just gets everywhere.

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