Monday 14 July 2008

Winchester Hat fair

Hello! hello hello...
i'm back, your favourite, albeit very lazy blogger!!

I have just spent the last two weeks in europa. It was quite fine, especially the Barcalona part. It's great - I get paid to shop, I am loving my job right now.

I also went to see my friends down south, which was far more important than any old toggs shops. On Saturday I was in Winchester, at the 'hat fair' a street theatre bonanza, which was fun, and luckily very sunny. I am not a HUGE fan of 'street theatre' . I mean isn't it just people begging for money by showing off and being silly?? but actually. i could not have got up and dome what they did, especially the acrobats, They were all very entertaining, and I was converted. (I'm still not convinced about the 'alternative dancers' though)

winchester Hat fair

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