Monday, 5 April 2010

Back tracking

So many times, I find myself thinking 'oh - I can put a picture of this on my blog' and then of course - I never - or rarely, do. There is written somewhere in my head that a blog post has to have a picture - I like pictures more than words, that is how my brain is wired, and so, a blog post that is only words is somewhat boring to me. In fact, this is not true, I have been entertained and interested, even cried with laughter at some peoples posts I have read, without the need for pictures.

Nonetheless, I have some images for you today, as I back track to my trip to India last month. I have never been to India before, and following several peoples tales I was expecting to be mauled by beggars and pickpocketed by street children at every turn, cheated by every person I met and thoroughly left high and dry. To my relief and pleasure, I found that this was not the case, and I had a wonderful experience, due in part to the fact that I was traveling with work, and had the luxury of local people to guide us to our destinations, and see that everything was tip top. We stayed in a beautiful Ex-Maharajah palace hotel in Bangalore, which being a small and relatively wealthy city, (when you call the bank - you probably get through to someone in Bangalore), felt safe and welcoming. We had a train journey to a small town in Tamil Nadu reigon, named Tirapur, and there we met the family of our business associate, who's mum cooked us dinner. It was wonderful.

meeting the family

Train To Tirapur

train station

Bangalore hotel

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