Wednesday 4 May 2011


I had a reflexology session at the weekend, I love reflexology, a nice lady called Amanda comes to my house, puts on some relaxing music and gives me a foot massage. She'll read my feet, if any part is sensitive, she'll be able to determine which part of the body it corresponds to – I love that. So after my first session a few weeks back, she said I had sinus problems and it might be my eyes. So off I went to Vision express, for an eye test. My eyes are fine. So that was something of a blind alley (that's not a pun). Back to the point. This time, I reacted to a sensitive point on my ankle, which apparently, is corresponding to the uterus. Hmm. Well I'm not sure – after the last escapade, I'm not jumping to any conclusions.

I now realise having done a test, that I am pregnant. It's still sinking in.
Mr V is silently shocked as well.

1 comment:

Miss H said...

Amazing. Love that this is how you found out.