Saturday 29 December 2007

Birthday Party

Last night I dragged myself out of the flat to go to SH's birthday party. I've been feeling pretty rubbish and run down recently, so it felt like a huge effort, but I did think it would do me good to get out there and see a few friends and be all sociable.

SO, armed with yummy make-up gift and humourous card I trudged to the station under cover of the biggest umbrella I could find. Mr V met me at Old street station, so I walked through the Broadgate centre, which is one of my favourite 'urban public spaces' because it has lots of little paths and alleys and shops and I recently discovered a gorgeous 'changing colour lights in the floor' installation. Because of the rain it looked super shiny in the dark, so I stopped to take a few snaps. We had some dinner and I finished up with a very creamy Irish coffee in an attempt to give myself a bit of 'energy' for the night. Actually everything went really well, and seeing my old pals from Germany really cheered me up, and accordingly I drank mohitos and got silly.

Today I have a headache, a toothache and am all grumpy again. BAH! nevermind we are flying away for New Years fun tomorrow so that should cheer me up. I think I should pack lots of pain killers for the event.

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