Thursday, 3 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Brilliant! it's 2008, finally. I have been looking forward to this year, as the last 7 months of last year have been a bit strange and uncertain, what with moving about all over the place, and not really knowing how the future would pan out. OK, so we never really know what the future holds, but it's usually safe to say that you know where you'll be living and and whether you will have a job or not.

Now the place to live and the jobs are pretty sorted, I can get back to the important tasks of having fun and enjoying life in general again. Or at least I would were it not for this stupid Christmas cold that refuses to budge. I think I will stay in bed tomorrow in an effort to kill it once and for all.

I'm quite excited today as i just got my computer back from the shop where they've done it up for me so I can use my shiny new I-pod toy that Mr V bought me for Christmas. The poor thing was seriously out of date and starting to struggle with websites and things because it was so 'old fashioned'

For New years eve we went to 'the village' in Germany, and saw our old friends and sat in our old favourite pub. quite nostalgic, but most heartwarming. The midnight 'diy' fireworks were exciting, in a kind of 'war zone danger' way, and the dash back to blighty with a few hours sleep and a raging hangover was not Ideal, but really glad we went.
Dusseldorf - New Year

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