Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Jasmine Tea

I am a huge fan of tea. I can do English PG tips with a slosh of milk, naturally, but what I do really love is some Chinese tea. Many of my friends tell me that they don't like green tea - 'it's too Bitter' they claim, having sampled a cup of well stewed tea made with a 'green tea' bag. I find that sort of green tea bitter as well. In reality, green teas can be wonderfully smooth and sweet, the trick is - tea leaves. Even the poorest street sweeper in this land has a flask of tea made with leaves. The country simply would not function without thermos flasks of hot (and tepid) tea.

I have decided to log my tea experiences here, since i very often buy some tea, happily drink it and enjoy it very much, whilst forgetting completely what it is called, or where I bought it.

Jasmine tea is a very good place to start, the jasmine flowers mixed in the tea make it lovely and flowery. My most recent purchase of jasmine tea is all rolled into little balls, it looks really sweet as it unfurles in the hot water. I bought it from Carrefour, where there is a tea seller squeezed in between the dried beans and nuts and the flower stand.

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