Wednesday 17 April 2013


I have started knitting as well as crochet. I can see a wealth of opportunity for finished projects here....

So far it's tension squares in a lovely yellow DK wool, with some 3mm needles I pinched from my mums knitting bag at new year.

Stocking stitch- yay done that one
Garter stitch- yes, easy peaty done that one as well.
Moss stitch- err, I'm just guessing it here a bit. It's going ok, but I am getting the occasional rib. It would probably help to concentrate rather than watch a dramatisation of Queen Victorias life at the same time.

I'm also finding it quite t e d i o u s and dull. I might have to stick to crochet, which I do find a bit more exciting.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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