Thursday 2 August 2007

Mr and Mrs T came to stay

Only for 2 nights, which was enough, and not very long at the same time. On Friday night we went to a brewery called Schumachers, for a bit of traditional Schweinhaxe, and sausages (of course!), with Saurkraut and kartoffel puree on the side. Luckily, Mr T. has been blessed with an extremely healthy apetite, and hollow legs, so the vast portion we were served was well eaten by the time our waiter came to clear the table.

Our weekend was one of food, shopping, and rest, which went down very well on all sides, especially since Sunday was really dreary and rainy. I often feel when I have friends or family to visit that every moment should be of fantastic excitement, and those visiting should leave with the feeling that they have been totally entertained and their every whim has been catered for. Mrs T. reminded me that this is actually not as important as getting a good rest, the chance to eat some nice food and do a bit of 'nothing' for a while. This takes the stress of entertaining down a notch or two I must admit, especially since our humble abode will be invaded by guests for the coming 2 weeks almost constantly.

This revelation has left me free to focus on the important things in life, such as 'where does one buy Bird's custard powder on the continent?' It appears that the answer is 'nowhere'. Im therefore dusting off Mr V's edition of Delia's Complete Cookery Course, in the hope that my meagre culinary skills might enable me to make it from scratch....fingers crossed!

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